II know its indelicate, but I'm going to bring up some bestial truths, Spanish people torture male cows to death in lengthy ceremonies while thousands watch.
Happens all the time, its always been happening,
background hum in your consciousness,
Spanish people torture male cows to death in lengthy ceremonies while thousands watch.
Spanish people torture male cows to death in lengthy ceremonies while thousands watch.

Things you shouldn’t say at a bullfight;      
--" Who's winning?" 

--” Can the bull ask for a time out?" 
--"When those guys stab the bull with the coloured spears...is that like a penalty?"  
--" So its all those horses and those guys with swords and spears on one team and just the bull on the other?”
--" If the bull kills someone, does it also get given flowers and carried on peoples shoulders from the arena?" 
--" Is the bulls mother here?"
--" If you didn’t handicap the competition by repeatedly stabbing the cow and weakening it with bloodloss, it would rip that pretty boy a new asshole in seconds wouldn’t it?”
--" Those are certainly spectacular costumes for  killing livestock...What do pimps wear in Spain?"
--" That Guys got a big red cape, how come he’s not wearing his underpants on the outside of his trousers then?”

I think its scrotum envy.
I saw a brass bull in Pt Saint Marie, outside the arena. It was 1 am, I had time to study it. It had impressive genitalia , large pendulous brass scrotum, sent an insecure shiver through me, I had testicles, this representation had larger testicles, bigger muscles and a vitality lent by being about to be tortured to death in a lengthy ceremony while thousands watched.
I felt the sudden and inexplicable urge to wear as tight fitting and luridly colored clothing as I could while still preserving my heterosexuality.
It helps that the Spanish have had centuries of refinement in tight fitting sparkly little outfits for straight men.
But what these embroidered pantaloons cannot hide is that the bull has bigger balls, and for this affront to Spanish pride it must be goaded and injured and toyed with and finally stabbed in the brain.
I’m sure there are insects with reproductive organs that take up two thirds of their bodies.
I’m going to dress up and torture some.
Smear me with honey, sprinkle me with with glitter and put me with a flyswat in a roomfull of pollen laden bumblebees.
I’ll show you virility.


