is woody-very very woody
You could search your life in vain throughout the fair state of Connecticut without
ever escaping its leafy omnipresence.
I dont mind trees, even in great numbers I am unintimidated by their stoic
slow moving cycles, I fear them not. They speak to me of time beyond me and usefulness
beyond my ken.
Their character bleeds into the human inhabitants that live amongst them, the
people of Connecticut are close grained, they have visible knots, they endure
and take time over things , if it were not for the abundance of labour saving
devices and swollen throid pickup trucks and garages full of power tools they
may well have been hobbits. Hobbits that keep Harleys to ride helmetless on fair
days (through the trees).
So I find myself on the back of a powerful motorbike, roaring through winding
forest roads and contemplating as one does, as the wind rushes past and the sun
dapples and vistas emerge and are replaced in turn by others much like the inner
workings of a dough mixing automatic bread maker that wakes you with its aroma
in a Connecticut kitchen which is itself located inside a beautiful converted
church in the country with a large river murmuring by outside and a boxer puppy
demanding attention, affection and more than prepared to give in kind.
And as the road lulls you and your mind wanders you remember past, not so distant
times where your mind was shrouded with a dark dank pitiless mindset and there
seemed no future worth what little stamina remained and all the past served only
as a lens to focus all that was pointless futile and meaningless on the shriveled
husk of your deceased self worth. You transpose these clotted thoughts with the
sensations brought about by being on the back of a motorbike traveling aimlessly
and joyfully through the forest and you have to wonder about lifes vast emotional
Dont you?